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Subscribe to Anvil Copyright
our church magazine.

Contribute an article
of your own (250 words max) by sending it to the editor by the 16th of the month.

Click on the link below to see a sample article from the current or past issues of 'ANVIL'.

We need volunteers
to help with the collation and stapling of the magazine. You would only be asked to do the job once a year. It takes about 2 hours and it does count as exercise ( upper body and hand / eye coordination).
If you can help, contact Jean Sweetman's husband John (01622 728233).

Help to deliver
If you have even more time available then get in touch with Liz Deane and ask if you can join the merry band who deliver the magazine. Rounds are being consolidated at the moment and I'm sure she could find one local to you. Again this would occupy perhaps 2 hours each month and involve a gentle stroll around your neighborhood delivering to no more that ten houses. Well you can't handle more than that many cups of tea consecutively. Biscuits, cake etc. are not provided by Liz and must be envigeled from the customers!

Copyright Copyright James lakeland