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Anyone can come to a PCC meeting but if you want to raise an issue for discussion or action then you have to be registered on our Electoral Roll. You also need to be on the Roll If you want to join St Andrew's Parochial Church Council, or vote for someone else to become a member.
You can leave a message about a concern by Email if you wish.
The committee apologises for the lack of tea and jaffa cakes at these meetings but feel that sufficient entertainment is being dispensed already by the motley crew that normally assemble there.

The next PCC is to be in the Church on 18/01/2023 at 19:30.

A typical Agenda for a Parochial Church Council meeting

Apologies for Absence.
Items for inclusion under 'Any Other Business'.
Agreement of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Matters arising from those minutes.
Treasurer's Report
Reports from Sub Committees
Any Other Business.

Some of the extra items to be discussed.
Reappointment of Lay Reader
Report on the Hall redecoration
Repairs to the kitchen plumbing

Copyright Copyright James lakeland